Sunday, September 9, 2012

Growing roots in Idaho

As I've mentioned several times to my fellow TTAs - Idaho is a welcome change from Massachusetts. When commuting in Boston, I ran into daily rush hour traffic. When commuting in Idaho to Community School, the "traffic jams" are caused by moose.

The difference doesn't stop there. Maybe it's an east coast/ west coast dissimilarity but life is slower. It's not just the 25 mph speed limit! People tend to walk at a normal pace and stress levels seem to be lower. This lifestyle directly translates into the workforce in both challenging and positive ways. In the admissions world, families seem to see deadlines more as suggestions. While it may be a struggle to work with grey deadlines it is sure a perk to have a flexible schedule.

We've been very busy, in this past month. We've been given the opportunity to learn our roles at school, in the dorms and in the Sun Valley community. Below I've attached a photos number of photos I believe represent my TTA time here, thus far.

Rain Dance
Sun Valley Symphony


Community members

Well fed interns are happy interns


Idaho history


Tornado warning! 
Tornado warning!

Movie night with the girls

New friend


18th birthday

Moxy missing her man 


Frisbee golf

Evening hike


  1. I love that big sign in your office. So cute--what good friends you have from home =) Also what an amazing view from your hike! Hannah and I were wishing we took our camera up Baldy...guess we will just have to hike it again!
