Monday, December 17, 2012


Only one week left until Winter Break-man how the time flies! December has been eventful with Winter Formal for the kids, holiday celebrations and preparations, and lots of time spent playing in the snow. This weekend some friends from Caldwell visited and I spend my first half day on the mountain. It was great to get out and snowboard with friends! Sarah T had her very first day on the mountain on Sunday and was shreddin' like a boss. Ski patrol did check in on her, however! =) We have also been busy with classroom prep as everyone seems to be getting in some extra teaching time this month. I've met with Mrs. G who I will spend the second half of my placement with and we had an outing with the third grade last Friday. It was a blast! Anyway- here are some pictures to show you what's been happening with the TTA!

How will the kids take their garbage out?!?!

Danna and I on top of Baldy!
The Interns!

Cutest couple ever <3

Brian's snow angel....

....turned out pretty awesome!