Saturday, November 24, 2012

A Week of Thanksgiving!

I think it was a much needed break for everyone. I spent some time with family and friends back in Soda Springs.

 We celebrated my dad's 51st birthday on Saturday with dinner and lots of laughs with my grandma, sister Misty, brother in law Nick, their two kiddos Kira and Trent, and my nephew Jordan. I also got to see my mom and step dad.

One thing I didn't inherit from my mom was her love of all things holidays. She is one of the most creative people I've ever met. Check out these turkey sugar cookies she came up with! Aren't they awesome?
I also cooked a lot this year, which I haven't done much of. I made Ambrosia Salad (a yummy fruit salad that my grandma usually makes every year), three pies (with homemade crust)-- one apple, one pumpkin and one cheesecake pumpkin with a walnut streusel topping, devilled eggs, and stuffed mushrooms. It was pretty yummy I must admit!
I can't wait to hear how everyone else spent their week!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Scenes from Idaho

Gearing up for Thanksgiving break - it's been quite the busy fall. I "graduated" from the TTA program and now have a fancy non-intern title. Besides working hard away in the Admissions Office I've been exploring a bit and spending time with our wonderful residents. Looking back at my photos makes me realize how lucky I am to live in this beautiful place.  

Enroute to Stanley




Witches Contest

Sofi, Marc and Veronica are diligently prepping their pies.

Connor learning from the Pie Master!

Connor loves baking pies!

But he spilled the beans.

Marc is the ultimate multi-tasker.  
Pie baking with attitude.

I'm going to make so many friends tomorrow.